Case Studies

The Soul's Calling Roadmap by Bev Barnes

Bev had tons of ideas, but was overwhelmed with where to start and what to do. She’d been coaching clients through a unique process that she developed, but in her mind it still felt like a huge idea-ball of yarn. She knew she wanted to visually lay out what this process looked like, but didn’t […]

How to create a stand-out signature process

Before Angie reached out, she was already in the process of brand strategy, website design layout and writing site copy when she came to a standstill, realizing the direction she pointed the creative team was not truly aligned with what she wanted to create. Before moving forward and developing something that was close but not […]

How to make sure you get your rebrand right

© 2021 Jocelyn Ring



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What's in these? My reflections on how to find "Your Thing" and move from feeling frazzled to focused.

Notes From the Field